
Wanna Work Together?

Talking about a good instructional video.

User generated advertisement

The apple advertisements are always quite impressive. This one even more because it is made by a customer. Apple contacted the maker Nick Haley and offered him a job to make the video professional. In a short while it will be shown in Europe.


Winning money

Geld winnen met user generated video op Zooppa
Posted by: Minze Tijtsma in Web 2.0, Advertising

Voor de Creatievelingen onder ons die zich bezig houden met Film-, Commercial making en Multimedia. Zooppa biedt de mogelijkheid om geld te winnen met User Generated Video. Met Zooppa zoals ze het zelf zeggen gaat Advertising Social. Elke video begint met een briefing van de brand die een commercial wil. De briefing biedt diverse concepten waarop je een video kunt maken. Uiteraard mag je dit ook totaal zelf bedenken.

Jij en de Community kunnen de video’s raten. De video’s met de hoogste ratings winnen een van de geldprijzen die vooraf vastgesteld worden. Elke prijs die je wint wordt uitbetaald in Zoop$. Vergis je niet, elke Zoop$ staat gelijk aan een US$. Bij elke duizend Zoop$ kan het geld dat gewonnen is worden uitbetaald.

Naast een video in je eentje maken is er ook de mogelijkheid om een Team-prijs te winnen. Hierbij kun je gebruik maken van een storyboard gemaakt door iemand binnen de community van Zooppa. Win je de prijs met het storyboard dan krijg je bij de huidige prijs die er is zo’n 1300 Zoop$, 1000 voor de video en 300 naar de maker van het storyboard.


More information on: www.zoopa.com

One view

And of course a oneminutesjr video.

50 Cent - Candy Shop

I showed this to our colleagues and especially the ones with teenager children were quite worried.

Russian Parkour

Not to make this selection too girly.

Reclaim sexuality

Jerneja found this video. I think it is superclever. One takes two commercial products and creates something new.

Seeking authenticity

I already shared this with some of you but I kind of like the approach in this Madonna song. I mean this is what I would be looking for in Stranger as well: authenticity. Not videos by young people but videos on me. "This is who I am, like it or not." Sometimes confrontation is good.


Good that this blog is finally on place. What I would like us to concentrate are:

  • what are people doing, how do they use video?
  • what are they saying?
  • where do they post their videos?
  • European examples
  • what keywords we should use to find the right videos


Stranger Player

Check this new video from zZz as an idea how to use a player in a video. Seing how we have our own Stranger player, i found this video quite inspiring (visually).

In the meantime, I would like to challenge you all to come up with more inspiring videos than I have up to now, and less American examples as well.



How to... JUMP!

For our young Dutch audience, if they don't already know, a tutorial how to jump. It is a good example how young people educate their peers on trends.

A jumpstyle tutorial:

And then, once the hype sets in, people start showing off, and uploading their own jumpstyle videos:

I would like to search for other, more European examples. But the jumpvideos might be nice, because their so very Dutch!



Welcome to Stranger

Dear all,

Welcome to the blog for the Stranger research. I would like to invite you all to join in, and post your ideas on innovative and exciting new videos, projects, websites, artists, speakers, and organizations working with young people and video.

I will start with a type of video that we haven't considered before, the video where we see different forms of art performed 'live'.

I hope to see your comments and new ideas soon!

